Zebras Rutting in the Kruger National Park
With most zebra foals being born in the summer, May month presents an ideal opportunity to observe Zebras rutting. It can be most vicious as there strong teeth inflict some serious ….
Hatching of the Spotted Thick-knees
The Spotted Thick-knees have been breeding and two chicks were hatched this morning. I have been following progress for close on four weeks
The Desolate and Forebidding Richtersveld
The Ai-Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park (“Richtersveld”) straddles the Northern Cape border of South Africa with Southern Namibia, with the Gariep River traversing the park on its
Tanzania in the month of May
May turned out to the best time to have a trip to the Southern and Central Serengeti after years of only going in January or February. Turned out to be great time to go …